The last thing I expected in my life was to become a single mom. But no matter how much I wished I could have stayed married, there was nothing that would keep me in that miserable life anymore.
Four years ago I became a single mom, something I was always afraid of. It is already hard to raise a child when you have a husband who shares the responsibilities with you, let alone do it by yourself.
But what is a single mom, anyway? The term itself in so unflattering... it sounds like an unmarried woman who had a child, and became the shameful link of the family, the one no one dares to say the name in front of conservative Dad. But this is not always the case, I'm afraid. I am separated woman, who had a husband, but now takes care of my child 24/7, seven days a week... by myself. No dad, no Grandma, no help. By yourself, seven days a week, you ask? YES! It can't be! What about the dad's visits on weekends? My daughter's father lives in another country, so there is no such things as a free weekend, or a free nights for me. No, sir, I am a mom 24/7, seven days a week....no free time.
But don't get me wrong, as much as it is hard to do this by myself, I love the freedom of being able to make a decision and don't have a person nagging on my ear that I shouldn't have done this, or that I should have done that! Contrary to what people think, being a single mom does have it's advantages!
So.... I'm a single mom.... Yeah? So What? ..... It is not always bad.
Are you a single mom too? Great! Let's hear from you too! I will be here talking about the good and the bad, of being a single mom!
See you soon,
Love, always,